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Date: Feb 25 22:18
From: firebird
Subject: Life in Prison vs. Life in Corporate America
--In prison they spend the majority of their time in a 8' x 10' cell.
At work, I spend most of my time in a 6' x 8' cubicle.
--In prison they get three meals a day.
At work I only get a break for one meal and I have to pay for that one.
--In prison you get time off for good behavior.
At work I get rewarded for good behavior with more work.
--In prison they provide you with clothing with the ID conveniently sewn on
to the clothes.
At work I must wear an ID badge at all times.
--In prison there is a dress standard, but they supply the clothes.
At work there is a dress standard, but I must buy my own clothes.
--In prison a guard locks and unlocks all the doors for me.
At work I must carry around a security card and unlock and open all the
doors myself.
--In prison they can watch TV and play games.
At work I can get fired for watching TV and playing games.
--In prison they will pay my way through school to learn a new career and
give me time to do it.
At work they will pay for my education, but I must do it on my own time.
--In prison they have exercise rooms that they allow you to use almost
whenever you want.
At work we have an exercise room that you can use but it must be on your
--In prison I can fall asleep on the job and no serious consequences comes
from my action.
At work if I fall asleep on the job I get put on the next AXE list.
--In prison they ball and chain you when you go somewhere.
At work you are just ball and chained.
--In prison you have full medical coverage with no deductibles.
At work you get partial coverage and pay all the deductibles.
--In prison all expenses are paid by the tax payer, with no work on their
At work you get to pay all the expenses to go to work, and then deduct the
taxes from your salary to pay for the prisoners.
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