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Prev Msg   - Feb 24 18:46 (firebird) Life of a Systems Administrator: ...
Next Msg   - Feb 25 08:00 (megadeth) software conflicts resolved!

Date:    Feb 24 18:47
From:    firebird
Subject: Life of a System Administrator: Canto II

11:30am-4:30pm: You work your ass off on whatever projects have the most
urgency to the company. Usually this involves a lot of work with
software, crawling around on the floor several times, tearing a hole in
your clothing, and banging your head (hard) on the bottom of a desk.

3pm: You have your lunch delivered to your office.

4:30pm: You finally get to touch your lunch, and realize that Burger
King french fries do not taste good cold. You're on about your 15th coke
since arriving in the office.

4:35pm: Your lunch is over. You're not finished eating, but your boss
has just phoned you (he knows how to override the DND on the phone too)
and demanded that you drop everything and go fix some assinine problem
which you know is caused by the user and which you fix every week and
which you have warned the user about but about which they just don't

6:30pm: You finish the project your boss set you to and decide to try to
sneak out of the office and go home. (Not that you have a social life or
anything, but you haven't had 8 hours sleep in a month and a half.) In

the elevator on the way out of the office you encounter a coworker, who
grabs you by the ear and drags you back to the office to fix something
that's bugging them.

6:30pm-8pm: Somehow, despite repeated attempts to leave, the moemnt you
try to actually do so, someone else appears to force you to work.

8pm: You're about to depart when you're suddenly informed that there's
some vitally urgent data processing that has to be done and that only
you know how to do and which can't be performed until all of the data
entry people have left for the night at 10pm.

8pm-10pm: You try to nap in your office but the phone keeps ringing so
you finally give up and put in several more hours of working.

10pm: You try to do your data processing but can't because there are
still people logged into the data acquisition system. You spend the next
fifteen minutes running around begging them to log out, and they reply
that "yeah, I'll be out in a minute..."

10:20pm: You get sick of waiting, walk over to the server console, issue
commands to kick off all the users, and disable logins.

10:30pm-2:30am: You perform that data processing which nobody else could
do because they won't let you teach them because they know what kind of
hours you have to put in doing it.

Midnight: Your blood turns to coca-cola.

2:30am: You realize that the data processing isn't QUITE done but you're
about to pass out so you re-enable logins so you won't get paged about
THAT in the morning, scrounge a taxi voucher out of your desk (they've
given you your own pad because you use them so often), call a taxi, and
leave the building. 

2:45am-3:15am: You freeze your ass off waiting for a taxi.

3:15am-3:30am: The taxi takes you home. The driver seems to have decided
to take the scenic route for the hell of it.

3:31am: You collapse in a heap on your bed and fall asleep face down
with your shoes on the pillows and your clothes still on because you're
too tired to remove your clothes or even orient yourself properly on the

8:00am: Your pager goes off.

Repeat ad nauseum until your boss doesn't like your response to one of
his "justify your existance" demands and fires you or you die of caffine
poisioning. Oh, and don't bother factoring in any weekends or holidays:
You'll be expected to work those too.

Did anyone else catch the reference to Life as a SysAdmin as Hell?  That
was an original from me.

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