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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Mar  1 11:17 (firebird) Bill Gates Goes to Hell!  The Wor...
Next Msg   - Mar  1 11:29 (firebird) The Red Shirt

Date:    Mar  1 11:21
From:    firebird
Subject: If Chickens Were -- Well, a lot of things...

 NT Chicken:
    Will cross the road in June. No, August. September for sure.

 OS/2 Chicken:
    It crossed the road in style years ago, but it was so quiet
    that nobody noticed.

 Win 95 Chicken:
    You see different colored feathers while it crosses, but cook
    it and it still tastes like ... chicken.

 Microsoft Chicken (TM):
    It's already on both sides of the road.  And it just bought the

 OOP Chicken:
    It doesn't need to cross the road, it just sends a message.

 Assembler Chicken:
    First it builds the road ...

 C Chicken:
    It crosses the road without looking both ways.

 C++ Chicken:
    The chicken wouldn't have to cross the road, you'd simply refer
    to him on the other side.

 VB Chicken:
    USHighways!TheRoad.cross (aChicken)

 Delphi Chicken:
    The chicken is dragged across the road and dropped on the other

 Java Chicken:
    If your road needs to be crossed by a chicken, the server will
    download one to the other side. (Of course, those are chicklets)

 Web Chicken:
    Jumps out onto the road, turns right, and just keeps on running.

 Gopher Chicken:
    Tried to run, but got flattened by the Web chicken.

 Newton Chicken:
    Can't cluck, can't fly, and can't lay eggs, but you can carry it
    across the road in your pocket !

 Cray Chicken:
    Crosses faster than any other chicken, but if you don't dip it
    in liquid nitrogen first, it arrives on the other side fully

 Quantum Logic Chicken:
    The chicken is distributed probabalistically on all sides of the
    road until you observe it on the side of your course.

 Lotus Chicken:
    Don't you *dare* try to cross the road the same way we do !

 Mac Chicken:
    No reasonable chicken owner would want a chicken to cross the
    road, so there's no way to tell it to.

 Al Gore Chicken:
    Waiting for completion of NCI (National Chicken-crossing
    Infrastructure) and will cross as soon as it's finished, assuming
    he's re-elected and the Republicans don't gut the program.

 COBOL Chicken:

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