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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
Prev Msg - Mar 8 15:53 (firebird) Sexual Star Wars Quotes
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Date: Mar 8 15:55
From: firebird
Subject: Houses to avoid when Trick or Treating
I've got a suggestion for you Ginyu, how bout you DO go to these houses.
Here are some Halloween tips for all the kiddies out there. The top ten houses to
AVOID while Trick-or Treating.
10. Any house that seems to be imploding into a space-time wormhole.
9. Any house made of food.
8. Any house whose only entrance goes to the basement.
7. Any house where the high tension wires suddenly stop right above it.
6. Any house that has ornamental lawn hyenas.
5. Any house that growls "get out."
4. Any house where the furniture seems to be walking across the living room floor.
3. Any house that looks like a giant pulsating orb floating 3 feet off the ground.
2. Any house with various and extremely realistic statues in the front yard of people
in odd "running away" poses.
1. Any house that wasn't there only a minute ago...
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