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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

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Date:    Mar 18 04:44
From:    druid
Subject: YWords that dont exist but should
Words that dont exist that should

VEGETATOR Or otherwise knownas vegatables, these people can be found
in such places as the med room, the temple of dentin, board rooms and
the god rooms. A vegatable does as little as possible in as much time
as possible.

FOD When  you see a piece of eq but cant pick it up because you have
no idea what its name is it may be referred to as a 'fod'.

ABRIEVIER Ppl who try to abbrv as much as psbl. 'afk','wtf' etc.

SPAMAGENCE The number of lines of spam you can take without getting
mad about it

GLOT One who communicates with a s little effort as possible, they
say very little and a common reply is usually one of the following
things: '?', ':)', 'nod', 'no', 'hrm'

DENTAPHOBIA Fear of eq being dented, resulting in the subect being a
DENTAPHOBIC, one who hordes eq for fear of it being dented.

MIS-SOCIAL When you try to do  something but end up doing a social
instead. E.G. instead of typing c heal you type che and cheer the
tank instead of healing it. Instead of typing fl to flee from the
keeper of secrets you type gl and just glare before meeting your

ANTI-MIS-SOCIAL When you try to do a social but accidentall y do a
command. E.G. instead of typing grin druid you type gr druid and boot
him outta the group.

MOBILATHY When you feel guilty about killing a cute mob.

FRAUDOMANIAC One who repeatedly charms, posseses(or forces for gods)
or ventrilliquates a mob in a pathetic attempt to make everyone
believe that the mob is talking by itself.

I hate doing assignments, so i do things like this instead to take my
mind off them so maybe they will go away.

hey, Ive just been eating this yoghurt and it says on the label,
"Warning: This product may contain traces of nuts" now am i the only
person disgusted by this?

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