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Next Msg - Apr 1 15:58 (blizzak) walnut
Date: Apr 1 14:17
From: darklord
Subject: Walnut, Iowa
Well, i've done a little research about Walnut, Iowa and present the
following factoids that may serve to let us better understand our friends
from Walnut.
Back in the '80s, Westinghouse had a dumping site near Walnut for spent fuel
rods and other nuclear waste.
In November of 1992, an agricultural petrochemical plant near Walnut leaked
900 kiloliters of hazardous chemicals into the surrounding soil. The
investigation concerning whether the local water supply was affected
Eighty percent of Walnut's population are tenants of the mayor.
In Walnut, it is illegal for a black man to walk the streets after dark.
Many of the families of Walnut can trace their lineage back to the 1700s.
A great deal of these are made available to the public. I was examining a
local farmer's pollination chart for his corn breeding program at the same
time and noticed distinct similarities between Walnut's family trees and
the corn cross-breeding charts.
Walnut was one of the first municipality to pass ordinances allowing people
to drink alchoholic beverages during the Prohibition. Of course, the
ordinances didn't stand up in court.. 50 years later!
It seems that Walnut is primarily funded by the property taxes it levies
on its water treatment plant, the largest industrial complex in its city
limits (the only other ones are the corn elevators). This plant is quite
large for rural standards, but it seems Walnut serves as the dumping ground
for surrounding towns' sewage.
It was legal to kill a Mormon in Walnut until 1976. Strangely enough, it
was legal to have more than one wife in Walnut until 1979 :)
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