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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Mar  4 23:06 (firebird) Lepracauns
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Date:    Mar  4 23:07
From:    firebird
Subject: How Much Do You Weigh?

 I'd like to thank Narayan for their continuing support.
On their first date, Joe took Rose to the carnival. When he asked her
what she wanted to do first, Rose replied, "Get weighed."

So Joe took her to the man with the scale who guesses your weight. He
looked at Rose and said, "One hundred and twenty pounds." Since Rose
weighed in at one seventeen, she collected a prize.

Next they went on the roller coaster. When the ride was finished, Joe
asked Rose what she wanted to do next. "Get weighed," she said. So they
went back to the man with the scale, who of course guessed Rose`s weight
correctly. Leaving without a prize, they went for a ride on the
merry-go-round. After they got off, Joe asked Rose what she wanted to do
next. "I want to get weighed!" she said again.

Now Joe began to think this girl was quite strange, and decided to end
the evening quickly. He left her at the door with a quick handshake.

Rose`s roommate was waiting up for her return and asked how the evening

"He didn't wike me, it was wousy!" Rose replied.

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