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Prev Msg   - Mar  4 23:57 (firebird) The Horse and the Chicken
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Date:    Mar  5 00:00
From:    firebird
Subject: A Classic

There once was a fly swimming over a lake.

There once was a fish that was watching this fly swimming over the lake 
because he knew that the fly would fly low enough to the lake and he 
would jump out and eat him.

There once was a bear that was watching this fly. Because he knew that 
the fly would fly low enough to the lake that a fish would jump out and 
get him and the bear would run out and get the fish.

There once was a hunter that was watching this fly. Because he knew that 
the fly would fly low enough to be eaten by the fish who would be eaten 
by the bear and when the bear ran out he could shoot it.

There once was a mouse that was watching this fly. Because he knew that 
the fly would fly down low enough that the fish would jump out and the 
bear would run out and the hunter would shoot and the peanut butter and 
jelly sandwich in the hunters pocket would fall out and the mouse would 
run out and get it.

There was this cat that was watching this fly. Because he knew that the 
fly would fly low enough that the fish would jump out and the bear would 
run out and the hunter would shoot and the sandwich would fall out and 
the mouse would run out and the cat was going to get the mouse.
SO! The fly cruises too close to the lake and the fish jumps out and 
eats the fly. The bear runs out to get the fish. The hunter shoots the 
bear. The peanut butter and jelly sandwich falls out. The mouse runs 
toward the sandwich. But the mouse just sees the cat out of the corner 
of his eye and slams on the brakes real quick. The cat, not expecting 
this, flies over the mouse's head and into the lake.

Moral of the story:
Every time a fly goes down, there's a wet pussy somewhere.

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