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Prev Msg   - Feb 24 18:43 (firebird) The X(mas) Files
Next Msg   - Feb 24 18:47 (firebird) Life of a System Administrator: C...

Date:    Feb 24 18:46
From:    firebird
Subject: Life of a Systems Administrator: Canto I

8am: Your pager goes off and wakes you up. The message says it's the
office, and it's a crisis. You roll out of bed moaning.

8:15am: You are now sufficiently awake to phone the office. Your pager
has gone off three times already. You get through to the office and the
receptionist is frantic. She says nobody in the entire office can print
and they have a major proposal that has to be faxed out before 9am and
if it isn't the company could lose a million dollars in new business.
You try to get her to explain what's wrong, but she's incoherent.

8:30am: You're dressed in yesterday's dirty clothes (they were all you
could find in time) and running out the door, sipping a Jolt cola and
hailing a cab to the office.

8:45am: You arrive at the office.

8:46am: You determine that the problem is that the printer is turned
off, and you turn it back on. 10,000 pages spew out from the hundreds of
multiple failed attempts by all of your coworkers to print.

8:47am: Your boss reams you out for "not having fixed that printer
problem last time when you said it was all taken care of. You spend the
next hour explaining that there's nothing you can do to stop people from
turning off the printer if they *really* want to. You don't bother to
mention that you happen to know that the person who did it is your
boss's spouse.

9:45ish: You finally convince your boss to release you and make your way
to your office, assaulted all along the way by people demanding that you
must help them fix things right now that you know are going to take
weeks and really aren't priority.

10am: You finally arrive at your office and shut and lock the door to
keep out the users. You start to read the 40 or so email messages you
find waiting every morning, which include about 5 new requests, 34 or so
messages demanding to know why such and such hasn't gotten done yet, and
one message from your boss denying your request to have an assistant and
demanding that you justify how you spend your time yet again.

10:30am: You realize that you're never going to finish getting through
your email if you keep getting interrupted by these damned telephone
calls from the same people who sent you the email asking the same
questions, so you put your phone on do-not-disturb and go back to your

11am: You've just finished responding to all of your email, including
the umpteen millionth justification of your existance for your boss.
Unfortunately, the secretary has figured out how to order the phone
system to override your do-not-disturb on your phone, and is now routing
all the angry phone calls from your coworkers to you.

11:30am: You finish talking to everyone on the phone and calming them

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