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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - Apr  2 06:51 (cygnii) Chicken and horse
Next Msg   - Jun  5 22:10 (zombie undead corpse) bad humor

Date:    Aug 25 22:26
From:    vember
Subject: VRBJ -- just a quick installment

How much does a pirate pay to get his ears pierced?
hehe... I kill me...

You heard about the new pirate movie?
It's rated Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr    (if you don't at least smile at that one I don't like

What's the sound of a sheep exploding?
Shhhhhhh.... BOOM!  BAAAAAaaaaaaaa
(play on the old cheer... get it?  Get it?  Aw forget it)

Where do sheep go to get their hair cut?
To the baa-baa shop.

Why do Scots wear kilts?
Because a sheep can hear a zipper a mile away.

Why do Irish wear kilts?
Because a Scot can hear a zipper a mile away...

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