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Prev Msg   - Feb 25 21:48 (firebird) Geeks, geeks and more geeks...
Next Msg   - Feb 25 22:00 (firebird) More One Liners...

Date:    Feb 25 21:54
From:    firebird
Subject: 15 Things Most Commonly Overheard at Comdex

For those reading this that aren't geeks, the Comdex convention was one of
the largest computer type trade shows ever. 

 The Top 15 Things Overheard at Comdex convention in Vegas

15> "Oh, come on -- Kirk can beat Picard's *ss any day of the week!"

14> "Empty the trash cans, someone's lost another retainer!"

13> "I'm sorry, Mr. Gates -- this is a $10 minimum table, the $5
minimum tables are over there."

12> "No, sir, we can't accept Apple stock to cover your gambling

11> "Just shut up and give me the trinkets, booth weasel!"

10> "Free Pocket Protectors at Booth 183!  Pass it on!"

9> "Hey, if we all share a limo ride back to the hotel, we can
split that dollar tip nine ways."

8> "Well, the Chicken Ranch was okay - but I liked 'Virtual
Monique' better."

7> " Dilbert says to Wally..."

6> "My dad said if I hacked the Federal Reserve one more time,
he'd take away my Nintendo."

5> "...and *I* said, 'That's no hexadecimal assembly code, that's
my self-modulating subroutine.'  But seriously, folks..."

4> "I don't care if you ARE a CEO, nobody gets in under 21."

3> "Marc Andreeson to the courtesy desk -- Your mother wants to
know what time you'll be home for dinner..."

2> "They call this a breakfast buffet?  Where's the Jolt Cola

and Doritos?"

and the Number 1 Thing Overheard at Comdex...

1> "Hey -- where are all the chicks??"

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