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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
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Next Msg - Mar 1 10:46 (firebird) Again with the sex jokes...
Date: Mar 1 10:43
To: all
From: megadeth
Subject: Bein' an Ass (the real master replies)
you fergot one of my favorite (and patented) moves.
Commonly refered to as the: Slayer Maneuver
When you see a newbie (or any or despicable creature) return to temple bloody or
or even if they just show up and start rep'ing to show us that they got shit fer
hp (as if we'd give them a heal...muwahahahah)
you might notice that they'll automatically go to sleep.
Haste them, then wake them up. always fun to watch them bitch fer the next 3 hours...:)
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