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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room
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Date: 2012 Nov 25 18:36
To: all
From: spiritsinger
Subject: the wood chuck song
So. You guys know that wood chuck poem?
Well, I've taken it to an extreme level:
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
And how much wood could a wood chugger chug if it were against a wood chuck
who could chuck wood faster than the amount of wood a wood chugger could chug.
The question is, how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck
wood? And how much
wood could a wood chugger chug if a wood chugger could chug wood, and if
it were possible to chug wood?
To sum it all up, How much more wood could a wood chuck chuck than a wood chugger,
or how
much more wood could a wood chugger chug than a wood chuck?
And why would a wood chucker, or a wood chugger, chug, or chuck, wood, even if a
wood chugger, or wood chucker, could chuck, or chug, wood?
And how do you know a wood chugger, or chucker, would, or could, chuck, or chug,
And what if wood chuckers or wood chuggers didn't exist, so they could not chuck,
or chug, wood, so they would never chuck, or chug, wood.
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