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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Humor Board Room

Prev Msg   - 2011 Oct 15 07:16 (athlon) Hush little baby
Next Msg   - 2012 Apr  7 15:33 (athlon) poetic power

Date:    2011 Nov 29 15:23
To:      all
From:    athlon
Subject: To celebrate towlie's defeat of the marauding bear ...
One day there was a big bblack bear
His skin was as black as soot
The newbies screamed whenever they saw
A claw on the bear's hairy foot.
They would scuttle into the bushes of the forest
And listen as the bear prowled by.
They would think to themselves, "Save me Dentin!"
For today, The bear may make me die!"

Then a bold magician came along
He at first appeared to be a really soft towel
But upon closer inspection of him
The bear began to speed up its prowl!
The bear realized that this was a warrior
He thought, "Perhaps I can eat him.
He does not seem to be from these parts
So I will take him away and keep him".
The newbies tried to warn him off
They whispered to him, "Hide away"
But Towlie the warrior just said "shut up"
And quickly Towlie casted "clay".
The bear moved back to his large bear's den
With Towlie following a short distance behind.
Towlie's face contorted with disgust
When he realized the cave was lined
With skulls of the many newbies
The bear had callously devoured
Towlie casted "sickening touch"
And with poison were his hands scoured
He screamed a valliant war cry
As he struck out at the bear
His clay man jumped to his rescue
and the little cubs suffered a mighty scare.
Towlie casted "Greater fireball" and the bear was engulfed in flames
And now Towlie's name will go on the board with other heroic names!

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