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Board Name - Hall of trophies
Prev Msg - 2020 Sep 17 02:23 (absolute) only my 2nd freak 32 bs
Next Msg - 2020 Nov 24 04:32 (martin) not dead yet
Date: 2020 Oct 4 06:32
To: all
From: samaell
Subject: This is months late, but...
An old hag is near death!
You can now level Thief!
You cast the spell...
An old hag is fighting you!
You struggle to pull an old hag's essence into a pitch black soulstone!
+24.4mill xp!
(notify) Samaell stole a level 98 soul from an old hag (freak 64!)
You have completed the achievement: Got a freak 64 soulsteal!
+1.9mill xp!
You put a pitch black soulstone in a blue dragonhide bag.
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