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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Nov 11 00:41 (tarrant) 2.enchanting
Next Msg   - Jan 26 04:09 (trae) A mighty battle

Date:    Dec 29 16:08
From:    therage
Subject: Greater Pit fiend.
Well, one day I was on my newbie character shadowdancer and I was grouped with hellfire.
I decided to wander near the newbie pit.
And to my surprise I encountered...

A Pitch black demon towers over you,  with death in it's eyes.
The greater pit fiend's whip ***demolishes*** hellfire!
the greater pit fiend's whip ***demolishes*** hellfire!
your blood curdles as you hear hellfire's dying scream!
Hellfire has been killed!
The greater pit fiend's whip ***demolishes*** you!
That really did hurt!
you have been killed!
(-210 hp)
you weep as you think of the 32303 experience that you lost.
The gods grant you a new lease on life!
You awake to find yourself in recall.
As the world goes black you feel pieces of your mind fading...
You lose a bit of your knowledge of detect magic!
So Hellfire and I called upon the aid of Smith, Spic, and Areon to finish this horrific
We fought the first battle, and things seemed well.
The pit fiend was at small wounds already.
After the first battle though, areon left our group.
We fought on, 3 battles worth.
Finally... the fiend was dead. I did not see the last hit, but I saw the fame I got...
We have delivered the pit of it's evil tyrant, liberating the newbies, as well as
the mobs, of it's deadly whip.

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