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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2008 Jun  5 18:56 (elastico) something to write
Next Msg   - 2008 Jul 24 20:05 (ryuzaki) Mikael

Date:    2008 Jul 22 00:23
To:      all
From:    pakufax
Subject: The hand of god. Cargo's Savior
Members of your group:
[Pakufax         Lvl  31 MC hp 702/702  mn 650/687  mv 277/288 ] (leader)
[A spotted deer  Lvl  15 MC hp 500/500  mn  10/10   mv 500/500 ] 
[Cargo           Lvl  30 Mw hp  -1/458  mn 191/469  mv 157/157 ] 
[A mouse         Lvl   1 T  hp  10/10   mn  10/10   mv  10/10  ] 
[A baby bear     Lvl   4 Wt hp  35/35   mn  10/10   mv   2/2   ] 
[Charr           Lvl  29 Cw hp 633/633  mn 317/317  mv 259/259 ] (linkdead)
[Woem            Lvl  31 TW hp 896/896  mn 381/381  mv 398/398 ] 
[Watery          Lvl  32    hp 926/926  mn 592/592  mv 333/333 ] 

<702hp 650m 277mv>gt cargo ismorted

You tell the group, 'cargo ismorted'

<702hp 650m 277mv>n

Woem tells the group, 'my clannie!?'d<702hp 650m 271mv>
Woem tells the group, 'cry'

<702hp 650m 271mv>s
The Dark Temple Square.
This is a small area that is constantly in the shadow of the great
temple.  The large magical fountain that is here provides most of the
water for the entire town, and the mages of the temple control the 
townspeople by controlling the water from the fountain.
The morning sun shines brightly in the eastern sky.

( 6)A large black fountain is gushing forth water here.
[Exits: north east south west northeast northwest up ]

<702hp 650m 267mv>c sum cargo

Cargo suddenly appears out of thin air!

<702hp 600m 267mv>c heal cargo

You heal Cargo.  

<702hp 550m 267mv>gr
c heal cargo

Members of your group:
[Pakufax         Lvl  31 MC hp 702/702  mn 550/687  mv 267/288 ] (leader)
[A spotted deer  Lvl  15 MC hp 500/500  mn  10/10   mv 500/500 ] 
[Cargo           Lvl  30 Mw hp 103/458  mn 191/469  mv 157/157 ] 

[A mouse         Lvl   1 T  hp  10/10   mn  10/10   mv  10/10  ] 
[A baby bear     Lvl   4 Wt hp  35/35   mn  10/10   mv   2/2   ] 
[Charr           Lvl  29 Cw hp 633/633  mn 317/317  mv 252/259 ] (linkdead)
[Woem            Lvl  31 TW hp 896/896  mn 381/381  mv 398/398 ] 
[Watery          Lvl  32    hp 926/926  mn 592/592  mv 333/333 ] 
You heal Cargo.

<702hp 500m 267mv>c heal cargoYou gain 34070 experience!
You heal Cargo.

<702hp 450m 267mv>c heal cargo

You heal Cargo.   

<702hp 400m 267mv>     
Cargo tells the group, 'i love you whoeber you are'         

<702hp 400m 267mv>gt vivi              

You tell the group, 'vivi'  

<702hp 400m 267mv>gt heh

You tell the group, 'heh'

<702hp 400m 267mv>gt i just saved cargos live

You tell the group, 'i just saved cargos live'

<702hp 400m 267mv>gt life

You tell the group, 'life'   

<702hp 400m 267mv>                              
Cargo tells the group, 'mhm'         

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