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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Mar 16 14:16 (gisco) The Royal Family of Trinsic
Next Msg   - Apr 27 13:09 (malas) the Oracle has been laid to rest

Date:    Apr 21 02:49
From:    draak
Subject: monkeys
On this day, the 18th day of Neven in the year 468 of the reign of Dentin,
did the Mandrill Shaman engage in mortal combat with the Captain of the
Guards. At first, the mighty Shaman's magiks seemed to prevail over the
physical prowess of the Captain, but in the end, the Captain of the Guards
won out. The Mandrill Shaman, much embarassed, has sworn vengeance against
his opponent, and reports have filtered in of his attacking of anyone who
takes upon themselves the mantle of guardship. The Mandrill Shaman publicly
challenged the Captain of the Guard to a rematch, but no formal reply has
been made thus far.


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