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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Apr 27 13:09 (malas) the Oracle has been laid to rest
Next Msg   - May  6 09:47 (druid) Me and Hephy, one on one.

Date:    Apr 28 13:14
From:    jerk
Subject: The beating of Ranma avenged!
On this Saturday, the 26th day of month 10 (Urtide), in the year 468 of the
reign of Dentin, our humble group did vanquish the Elite Royal Guards in
Atlantis.  Listed are the names of those who fought so bravely and lent thier
assistance when it was ever so needed:

[Ranma          Lvl  30 hp 605/605  mn  95/323  mv 283/293 ]*(leader)
[Jerk           Lvl  28 hp 646/646  mn 241/426  mv 379/401 ]
[Aliena         Lvl  30 hp 606/606  mn 240/452  mv 345/353 ]*
[Druid          Lvl  31 hp 815/815  mn 456/608  mv 279/327 ]*
[Darth Malcolm  Lvl  31 hp 847/847  mn 409/728  mv 282/296 ]*
[Luven          Lvl  30 hp 770/770  mn 145/601  mv 323/323 ]*
[Grey           Lvl  31 hp 783/783  mn 312/610  mv 269/301 ]*
[Gwathir        Lvl  31 hp 667/667  mn 327/327  mv 343/343 ]

Also, we weep for those who died - but not for long as thier deaths have been
avenged and all equipment returned.  Truly this was a heroic feat for all

I would like to thank personally the great Druid and his apprentice Gwathir,
as well as Ranma - for without thier assistance, I would have given up hope
very early on.  They stuck to the task at hand even when all seemed lost and
I lay bloody on the battlefield.


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