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Board Name - Hall of trophies
Prev Msg - 2010 Mar 20 17:48 (cow) Nothing in particular
Next Msg - 2010 Apr 14 22:55 (mathayas) The mouse had too much fun t...
Date: 2010 Apr 12 07:40
From: laud
Subject: my first freak 64
The air turns to purple fire as you summon forth your energy and attack Nileek the
president's secretary!
You gain a practice!
You gain 1594100 experience!
(notify) Laud backstabbed Nileek the president's secretary for 11968 damage, freak
You place a dragontooth trident in the back of Nileek the president's secretary,
mortally wounding her.
Your blood freezes as you hear Nileek the president's secretary's death cry!
Nileek the president's secretary is DEAD!
You receive 244000 experience.
You have completed the achievement: Got an insane freak backstab
You gain 244000 experience!
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