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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Jan 22 12:40 (redrum) another one bites the dust
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Date:    Feb  2 16:34
From:    os
Subject: Black Unicorn
Last night I put up a msg saying i had killed the Black Unicorn.  I
removed it later because although i struck the final blow I believe
it ran into something bigger than I during one of its teleports. I
did not believe it was a true victory. He repopped, this time with
the horn. "Killed him before, surely I can do it again ?" I naively
thought to myself.

Nightshade was on and offered to heal me. Unfortunately he died twice
in the attempt. The Unicorn was at Big Nasty before it teleported to
who the fuck knows where. During this time, 3 skeletal warriors, a
ghoul and a plague knight were also dispatched. 

This morning I logged on and his Royal Blackness had re-emerged, this
time at "Dark Hallway". Further investigation revealed it to be
upstairs at Bawdy Wench. I once again took it upon myself to end his
life. Only to be killed before the fire in the hearth on my third
run. Thankfully Raven did cr for me and the fight continued.

The Black Unicorn continued to teleport, thankfully not too far the
first 10 times or so. Using Bawdy Wench Inn as a launch pad / regen
room I ran him into the ground, chasing him all the way to the aptly
named Blood Lake. It was there on the shores that the Black Beast
finally met his demise. Another 3 skeletal warriors, a Ghast and a
Ghoul or two also met with the same fate during this time.

Then I discover the damn horn is anti_good. Heh. 

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