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Board Name - Hall of trophies
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Date: May 6 09:47
From: druid
Subject: Me and Hephy, one on one.
For many years the fallen god Hephestus has laughed in my face as i tried to
defeat him. Hephestus had murdered many of my good friends for no reason other
than they accidentally wandered into his place of imprisonment.
In the past it has taken parties of adventurers to make him fall but today,
In the year 469 of the reign of Dentin, I Druid disposed of Hephestus single
handedly, without even a summoner and in an entirely fair fight.
I do not claim to be the first, in fact i know that at least one other managed
the task before Hephestus gained some of his healing powers. But it is a great
personal achievment for myself as i have battled years to complete this task.
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