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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2011 Aug 28 12:12 (celeron) first freak 8
Next Msg   - 2011 Sep  1 10:36 (indigo) Freak 64 stab!!

Date:    2011 Aug 30 21:34
To:      all
From:    sneaky
Subject: Struck the magical bullseye

An archery range

( 5)A armed and armored human is on guard.
( 5)A armed and armored murlock is on guard.
( 5)A human spellcaster is here, flinging spells at targets.
Lieutenant Thesalquain the Magician glows with a bright light!
( 5)A magical target floats a few feet above the ground.
[Exits: east south ]

<1021hp 434m 323mv>

<1021hp 434m 324mv>

<1021hp 434m 325mv>
>c l b targ<
Your lightning bolt strikes the bull's eye of a magical target!

You gain 1824000 experience!

- Struck it on the very first time

>spell light b<
You know the following spells:
        cure light wounds                 exceptional
        lightning flash                     very good
        lightning bolt                           poor
        crystal light                            good
        dancing lights                        perfect

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