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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2013 Jun 29 02:15 (victorious) the power of my faith
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Date:    2013 Jul 13 15:05
To:      all
From:    wily
Subject: Newby Deed Stab!
( 9)A Valkyrie swoops at you.  Are you warrior enough to be here?
( 1)A torch casts so little light as to be useless except for decoration.

north east south west up down 
Tamayo casts 'faerie fire'
A flying Valkyrie is surrounded by a fuzzy pink outline that highlights all her weaknesses.
Tamayo casts a spell.
A shimmering distortion surrounds A flying Valkyrie for a moment.
A flying Valkyrie slows down.
You stealthily move into position...
You yell, 'KAO-KEN TIMES TWO!' and spring onto your opponent!
+11.2mill xp!
(notify) Wily landed a brutal backstab on A flying Valkyrie for 14336 damage, freak
You place A rock guitar of chaos and distruction in the back of A flying Valkyrie,
mortally wounding her.
A flying Valkyrie is near death!
The flying Valkyrie bends to one knee and says, 'I yield.
You have bested me, here take my most prized possession.'
The flying Valkyrie places her shield upon the ground.
The flying Valkyrie stands up.
The flying Valkyrie flies up.
You receive 248k experience.

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