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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2013 Mar 29 04:11 (wily) Putting out fires, the thief way!
Next Msg   - 2013 Apr 19 00:03 (rashid) 3 freaks? waaa!

Date:    2013 Apr  8 18:55
To:      all
From:    darquesse
Subject: No way out! 3 freaks!
I was just wondering around when i got cornered by these guys and they wouldn't let
me pass!
Durk the Deranged is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
You struggle to pull Durk the Deranged's essence into a clear soulstone!
+179k xp!

Area repop as i was making a vampire so they trapped me again...
Durk the Deranged is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
You struggle to pull Durk the Deranged's essence into a clear soulstone!
+179k xp!

A large thug is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
You cast the spell...
You struggle to pull a large thug's essence into a clear soulstone!
+717k xp!
(notify) Darquesse stole a level 66 soul from a large thug (freak 64!)
Your blood freezes as you hear a large thug's death cry!
A large thug is DEAD!
You are too high level, but still receive 23810 experience.

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