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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Jun 22 20:15 (tarrant) The Great Corpse Rot of '97
Next Msg   - Nov 11 02:45 (druid) 3.xp

Date:    Jul 12 06:36
To:      all
From:    darkmoon
Subject: the assassin
Slowly the assissin crept through the royal palace, quietly making his
way to the royal chambers.  Footsteps are heard and he ducks into the
shadows and hides.  A patrol of soldiers passes him but are totally
unaware of his presence.  As they round the next corner he sighs
softly to himself and moves on.  Right outside the royal chambers is a
lone guard sleeping.  Quietly the assassin creeps forward...

As Jake, newest guard of the royal palace of Trinsic wakes he sighs and
curses himself for taking the shift.  This is the most boring thing i've
ever done he thought to himself.  Why can't i see any action?

This was the last thought he would ever have as a pearl-hilted wakazashi
suddenly rams into the back of his lower spine, crushing it completely
before surfacing out of his belly, showering the wall in blood.  Jake
slumps to the ground and the last thing reflected in his eyes is a
picture of Darkmoon standing there, holding a bloody wakazashi in his hand.
A few moments later two quiet screams go unheard in the night from
the royal chambers.
You slip from the shadows.
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 278282 experience!
(notify) Darkmoon backstabbed An elven soldier for 2835 damage, freak 8.
You place a pearl-hilted wakazashi in the back of An elven soldier, mortally wounding
Your blood freezes as you hear An elven soldier's death cry!
An elven soldier is DEAD!
You receive 103068 experience

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