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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Aug 13 08:06 (doa) The demise of The Mist Dragon.
Next Msg   - Jan 22 16:58 (hyperzell) Pit Fiend

Date:    Aug 31 00:19
From:    os
Subject: Lucky
<922hp 233m 368mv>
You scan the surrounding area...
South 1 -       The sphere of annihilation

<922hp 233m 368mv>
The sphere of annihilation has arrived.

<922hp 233m 368mv>
The sphere of annihilation *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
That really did hurt!

<520hp 233m 368mv -242ac> The sphere of annihilation <excellent>
The sphere of annihilation dodges your attack.
The sphere of annihilation *** ANNIHILATES *** you!
That really did hurt!
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.

<0hp 233m 368mv -242ac> The sphere of annihilation <excellent>c w
You pray to your god for transportation!
Inside the Temple of Dentin

Yuktarian is here, sound asleep.
Blacksmear is here, sound asleep.
ZagDahl, High Priest of Dentin, tells you the virtues of his god.
ZagDahl, High Priest of Dentin glows with a bright light!
[Exits: north east south west ]

<0hp 233m 368mv -242ac> 

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