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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2009 Feb  7 02:56 (pakufax) drunkennes
Next Msg   - 2009 Jul  8 18:58 (nefarious) master ppk

Date:    2009 Mar 19 22:19
From:    pjbdude
Subject: Love it when my work is done for me
It is pitch black...
( 4)*A strong wind pulls at you.
[Exits: north south west ]
If you really want to cast that on yourself, you must use your name.
A bolt of lightning flies down the hallway towards you!
You are blasted by a bolt of lightning!
The lightning bolt arcs and jumps to a bolt of lightning!
A bolt of lightning is blasted by a bolt of lightning!
The bolt of lightning explodes in a brilliant flash of light!
You are blasted by a bolt of lightning!
You are blasted by a bolt of lightning!
You are blasted by a bolt of lightning!
The lightning bolt arcs and jumps to a gust of wind!
A gust of wind is blasted by a bolt of lightning!
The lightning bolt arcs and jumps to a gust of wind!
A gust of wind is hit by a bolt of lightning!
The lightning bolt arcs and jumps to a gust of wind!
A gust of wind is hit by a bolt of lightning!
The lightning bolt arcs and jumps to a gust of wind!
A gust of wind is hit by a bolt of lightning!
You are hit by a bolt of lightning!
a gust of wind's buffet hits you.
A bolt of lightning fizzles out with a loud electrical pop.
You point a long, gnarled staff at a gust of wind.
You bind the life force of a gust of wind, and obtain a wisp of fog.
The wind suddenly calms.
You receive 17644 experience.

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