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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2016 Apr  7 22:31 (martin) stabbin
Next Msg   - 2016 Apr 18 07:59 (serkanal) my first freac 32

Date:    2016 Apr 10 22:40
To:      all
From:    wily
Subject: Who needs to lance?
You stealthily move into position...
xp 416 percent
You can now level Druid to 12!
You slip from the shadows.
               KAO-KEN TIMES TEN!
The air turns to purple fire as you summon forth your energy and attack Kha'Khessir
the Ancient Black Dragon!
You gain a practice!
+100 mill xp!
(notify) Wily landed a murderous backstab on Kha'Khessir the Ancient Black Dragon
for 97176 damage, freak 32!
You place The Holy Purifier in the back of Kha'Khessir the Ancient Black Dragon,
mortally wounding him.
Kha'Khessir the Ancient Black Dragon is DEAD!
You receive 312k experience.
on ground contains:
556 gold coins
a thorny staff of swampoak (binding)
a cloudy black flamberge
a black opal sceptre (light)
a shimmering black dragon hide cloak (binding) (unique)
You are 757 percent to your next practice.
xp 757 percent
You can now level practice to 12!
You cry victory over your fallen enemy!

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