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Date:    Jan 26 04:09
To:      all
From:    trae
Subject: A mighty battle
On this day, the 8th day of the 11th month Urtide, in the year 513 of the
reign of dentin, a great battle took place!

I was wandering around in our beloved town of ralnoth  and happened upon the
mexican quarter.  I don't speak a single word of spanish, so I couldn't
comunicate with the citizens that dwell there, howvere a little boy began to
follow me. I thought this was odd, I mean I hadn't even spoken a word to him.
Anyways HE followed me around until I was standing over the sewers, at which
point I kindly shooed him away (The authorities found him dead later on with
a dagger wound in his back, poor fella) He left, but not until after he gave
me his fly swatter. 

I nearly threw it away! I mean what use have I, the mighty adventurer Trae
have for a fly swatter? Alas I held onto it! I was very happy I did so too.

See I entered those sewers and the first thing that happened was a giant
cockroach, nearly the size of a horse, attacked me!

You would be amazed how ferocious this mighty roach was! I fought long and
hard, I even had to run away and gather my energy to go back and slay it, but
eventualy I took my fly swatter, and I beat the giant roach to death!

Thus the citizens of the mexican quarter have dubed me cucaracha  matador!

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