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Board Name - Hall of trophies
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Date: 2022 Apr 10 05:42
To: all
From: juggernaut
Subject: first insane backstab
You scout out a hiding spot...
You slip expertly into your hiding spot.
You stealthily move into position...
You slip from the shadows.
The air turns to purple fire as you summon forth your energy and attack A giant red
You gain a practice!
+11.3mill xp!
(notify) Juggernaut landed a murderous backstab on A giant red scorpion for 291840
damage, freak 128!
You place the ribsplitter in the back of A giant red scorpion, mortally wounding
A giant red scorpion is near death!
Your blood freezes as you hear A giant red scorpion's death cry!
A giant red scorpion is DEAD!
You have completed the achievement: Got an insane freak backstab!
+2.3mill xp!
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