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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2006 Mar 28 03:58 (kaoken) Fork in your eye
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Date:    2006 Apr  7 21:33
From:    therage
Subject: The defeat and banish of the ice dragon.
One extraordinarily cold day in the ice relm, final, hellfire, and myself did stumble
upon an enormous beast , sleeping in a cave made entirely of ice.
We speculated upon what it was, and finally came to the conclusion that it was a
massive icy dragon-like being.
We sought to talk with this beast, but it awoke and blew us away with gusts of icy
So, taking up our swords and staffs in anger, we did strike out at this creature.
It was a long and hard fought battle.
Final died twice, hellfire died once or twice, and I myself died twice.
But we fought on, oblivious to the happenings in the other relms as we exerted our
full efforts on this hell-forged ice monster.
We got it to pretty hurt, but it regenerated itself, and two runs later, we were
still same condition as we had been, so on the third run, we put extra strength in.
Webs of fire exploded from final's hands, while the trustable hellfire spammed c
heal therage.
I, the tank, bashed like crazy.
Finally I saw that it was mortally wounded, and redoubled my efforts of bashing.
The last web of fire flew from the hands of final the twilight mage and hit the dragon
full force.
It's head crashed to the ground, and it spewed freezing blood all over the floor
of the cave.
We had finally killed this being, saving many to come in the future to this place.
Wiping our bloody bodies on the grass safely back in ralnoth, we thought about our
What an adventure it was, too.

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