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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2016 Jun  8 05:36 (kavie) boom soulsteal!
Next Msg   - 2016 Jul  7 01:25 (serkanal) nice freak 8

Date:    2016 Jun 30 11:18
To:      all
From:    fighter
Subject: who need to lance?
You stealthily move into position...
You slip from the shadows.
               KAO-KEN TIMES TEN!
The air turns to purple fire as you summon forth your energy and attack the Iron
You gain a practice!
+74738337 xp!
(notify) Fighter landed a murderous backstab on the Iron Dragon for 146832 damage,
freak 32!
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of the Iron Dragon, mortally wounding
The Iron Dragon falls to the ground with a mighty crash and twitches as arcs of electricity
run over its body!
the Iron Dragon is DEAD!
You receive 250000 experience.

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