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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Sep 20 16:40 (phil) dentin
Next Msg   - Dec 29 16:08 (therage) Greater Pit fiend.

Date:    Nov 11 00:41
From:    tarrant
Subject: 2.enchanting
<835hp 520m 324mv 78ac>
Oh shit...
The Rune Axe of the Holy Keeper instantly vaporizes, releasing a raging field of
magical energy!
That really did hurt!
You are now dubbed a killer!
Your blood curdles as you hear Zin's dying scream!
Zin has been KILLED!
You receive 30643 experience.
(notify) (player) Zin killed by Tarrant while in room [    3] The Dark Temple Square.
Your blood curdles as you hear Kallindos's dying scream!
Kallindos has been KILLED!
You receive 250000 experience.
(notify) (player) Kallindos killed by Tarrant while in room [    3] The Dark Temple
Your blood curdles as you hear Keiser's dying scream!
Keiser has been KILLED!
You receive 250000 experience.
(notify) (player) Keiser killed by Tarrant while in room [    3] The Dark Temple

<405hp 400m 324mv 78ac Someone dying>c w

You pray to your god for transportation!
You are blind, you can't see anything!
<405hp 400m 324mv 78ac Someone dying>c w

You pray to your god for transportation!
You are blind, you can't see anything!

<405hp 385m 324mv 78ac>d
You are blind, you can't see anything!s

You are blind, you can't see anything! 

<405hp 385m 320mv 78ac>kick

Kick who?

<405hp 385m 320mv 78ac>c iceb

You create and magically throw bolts of ice at someone!
Your blood curdles as you hear Talon's dying scream!
Talon has been KILLED!
You receive 250000 experience.
(notify) (player) Talon killed by Tarrant while in room [    3] The Dark Temple Square.

<405hp 369m 320mv 78ac>c w

You pray to your god for transportation!
You are blind, you can't see anything!

<405hp 354m 320mv 78ac>talon wow, that was far more effective than I anticipated

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