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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2010 Jun 15 22:52 (bser) Nothing in particular
Next Msg   - 2010 Aug  5 10:56 (ouch) correction boat conquest

Date:    2010 Aug  4 21:46
To:      all
From:    ouch
Subject: first pirate to sail around the waters
It is indeed possible. I Ouch circumvented the continent of AA form the
oriental city to the water elemental islands to the northern ocean and back
to dike atoll and the sphinx's island, etc. 

I confirmed with Dentin that I am the first player ever to go around the
world in this fashion and get back to my original starting point.

Too bad the king 's commissioners and storms at sea, scurvy, and other
piartes were unable to stop me. And woe betide anyone after my collection
of treasures!

Ouch the Orc Pirate

PS: Sail from the elborat to teh newbie islands to the mainland and to fox
island to the sphinx an ddike atoll all teh way to teh cannibal island and
teh water elementals.... you can do it! You can do it!

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