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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Jan 31 07:43 (druid) So aMaZiNg its JuSt gOtTa bE iN CoLouR
Next Msg   - Jun  3 01:08 (talon) JASONDIES IN ONE FREAKING KICK..

Date:    Mar 12 17:29
From:    doa
Subject: A day to be remembered
After a full nights rest I wake up to find that Lux the great red Wyrm had
his Faceless mask, so then begins my trial to relieve him of this great and
powerful artifact. Calling upon Alleira for her mage abilitys and Rellik
for his added warrior arm i set about dispatching the Earth ward in short
order, this done i sneak into the mighty wyrms lair and proceed to dispel
it. Once this done i take it upon myself to end this creatures life once
and for all, drawing my Frostbrand i more forth do to battle upon this most
fearsome of dragons. After three runs of me and this monster dealing blows
that would have fallen any other mortal singely i see it is covered in
large gaping wounds and i was relatively unscathed. I then bring Alleira
and Rellik into the battle and the three of us combined was too much for
the dragon to handle and falls before us with ease. This being as it is i
feel almost immortal in my conquests so i travel forth to the master of all
that is chaotic and his loyal champion, watching over their domain. So
Rellik and I travel before them and with methods that will never be known
to you i bring both of these being down with my emerald dagger forever
ending their power over all of chaos in this world and the next.

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