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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Jan 30 02:38 (greyfox) Bigger fish to fry...
Next Msg   - Mar 12 17:29 (doa) A day to be remembered

Date:    Jan 31 07:43
From:    druid
Subject: So aMaZiNg its JuSt gOtTa bE iN CoLouR
I druid, Master of Senility, Corruptor of Purchasing databases and Lord of
casting haven in public rooms,  did on this day Friday, the 14th day of month
6 (Penser) In the year 491 of the reign of Dentin take it upon myself to log
on and go afk all day while at work. But first I boldly typed the misspelled
command  that turns colour off to help mask my presence on the mud while
colleagues walked by. Like an unstoppable titan I said 'hi' on gossip and
then heroically read the clan board, well, I looked at it anyway and there
were no new messages. As if this were not amazing enough I gallantly ventured
into the temple of dentin and swiftly typed 'who' and seeing no-one of
interest dexterously ventured up to the upper floor of the temple of dentin
without the help of potions or scrolls.

Stopping only briefly to look at the board, and noting the fact there were no
new messages I stepped south with vicious and unwavering determination.  Just
as it looked like all hope had gone I managed to arrive at board 8 and look
at that too. Seeing that most of the messages were addressed to people other
than me my spirits sank once again. But I refused to give in. I sounded the
immortal words 'hurf' upon the channel of Samon and I could sense glory would
soon be mine. Stopping for a second to admire my negative hp regen, I then
dashed into the deeds board room to modestly detail today's magnificent

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