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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2013 Jan 19 05:09 (victorious) a sphynx's downfall
Next Msg   - 2013 Jan 21 05:30 (victorious) vermin extermination

Date:    2013 Jan 20 16:28
To:      all
From:    firedraco
Subject: Only a deep blue
Khir Ablishak, the Great Frost Dragon is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not
Weyoun casts a spell, and a dim white glow flows out of Khir Ablishak, the Great
Frost Dragon into a deep blue soulstone!

With a final screech that tears your ears, Khir lunges at you.  The
ground cracks and breaks beneath its claws, and it slips backwards into
the pit. Like a whip, the head lashes back and strikes the wall of the
central fortress, and the body suddenly goes slack.  Seemingly in slow
motion, the body slides then falls downward into the pit, vanishing
from sight. Several seconds later, you hear a tremendous boom as the
great dragon hits bottom, followed by a freezing gust of disturbed air
from the bottom of the pit.

You don't know if the ghastly creature is dead, but it's probably out
of the fight even if it had the constitution to survive.
You gain 808000 experience!
You receive 404000 experience.

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