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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2007 Jul 11 07:29 (keiser) Poor Sal
Next Msg   - 2007 Aug 18 22:15 (twister) first 10k dam stab for me

Date:    2007 Jul 26 03:05
From:    kaiser
Subject: Vivi-extravaganza
You recite a scroll of assassination on someone.
You are now dubbed a killer!
You gesture towards someone.
You begin chanting and cast a powerful spell...
A beautiful web of blazing red fire bursts forth from your hands and hits someone,
setting them on fire!
Your blood curdles as you hear Vivi's dying scream!
Vivi has been KILLED!
You receive 800 experience.
You are engulfed in darkness.
(notify) (player) Vivi killed by Kaiser while in room [ 9842] Before a tiny chapel
(Levels 10+ Recommended)
800 xp, that's it? What a shame.

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