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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2014 Mar  9 04:00 (westie) turn turn
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Date:    2014 Mar 15 17:51
To:      all
From:    wily
Subject: KAO-KEN TIMES TEN! Asranth

Inside a blood-stained cavern.
(60)(undead)(poison)A large skeletal demon snoozes upon his throne, wings wrapped
about his body.
Asranth radiates a cloud of blackest evil.
Asranth is surrounded with a happy pink fuzz.
(50)A massive throne constructed from the bones of the living wails in anguish for
all eternity.

You slip expertly into your hiding spot.
You stealthily move into position...
xp 239 percent
You can now level Druid to 10!
You slip from the shadows.
You are forced to defend yourself against Asranth!
               KAO-KEN TIMES TEN!
The air turns to purple fire as you summon forth your energy and attack Asranth!
You gain a practice!
+39.2mill xp!
(notify) Wily landed a murderous backstab on Asranth for 10336 damage, freak 32!
Your backstab does considerable damage to Asranth.
You have completed the achievement:  Got a freak 32 backstab
+1 mill xp!
mob 48percent

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