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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2012 Nov  5 13:29 (athlon) Athlon steals the souls
Next Msg   - 2012 Nov 24 05:49 (lexie) you too can make a fortune on a...

Date:    2012 Nov 19 17:16
To:      all
From:    athlon
Subject: the slaying of kha'kessar
One day, a necromancer by the name of Athlon decided that he was bored.
He decided to cast teleport, and see where he would end up. When the feelings of
vertigo subsided he realized he was in a cave. Next to him was a sleeping dragon.
"Hmm," said Athlon. I wonder why this dragon is asleep. "It probably guards some
cool stuff!"
So Athlon endeavored to separate the dragon from its treasures.
First, Athlon dispelled the dragon's protection using a shiny artifact he had received
some years previously. Then, he began to summon forth balls of
blue lightning that shocked through the dragon's massive body, causing it to scream
over and over again in great agony.
But eventually, Athlon's power reserves began to be depleted, and he retreated away
to a nearby room to regenerate them.
08> hakessar, enraged that Athlon would deign to wake him up, pursued Athlon and
did unspeakable things while he regenerated. The dragon shredded him almost instantly,
the gods, having mercy upon Athlon, allowed him to recuperate somewhere else while
the dragon raged.
When Athlon came back, powers at full throttle, the dragon was crawling out of its
cave into the vast
Agarazzi Swamp. Athlon had awaken it and it was on the prowl!
THe dragon, knowing Athlon was  not far behind, began to wander around the vastness
of the swamp. Athlon followed it, and, eventually, caught up with it.
He began to attack the dragon with more lightning, but other swamp inhabitants came
to the aid f the dragon and wounded Athlon so much that he was forced to leave the
area. Unfortunately for him,
upon doing so, his body was brutally dismembered by a marsh viper, and the gods granted
him a new lease on life.
After preparing once again, Athlon pursued the dragon and shot him with even more
electricity, until his flanks and face were badly burned and scarred from electrical
However, Athlon was forced to recall, once again, due to the fact that his reserves
of magic were running low. And once again, he went out in pursuit of the dragon.
THis time, the dragon, thoroughly demoralized, put up its last defense against Athlon.
Unfortunately, Athlon, angry and out for revenge, forced its hand, and the dragon
keeled over, all 75 feet of it,
to lay in the mud of the swamp at Athlon's feet.
You cast the spell to separate soul from body, and pull Kha'kessar the Ancient Black
Dragons' essence into a purple soulstone!
Kha'Khessir the Ancient Black Dragon is DEAD!
You receive 244k experience.
You have become more renowned! Your total fame is now 1644.

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