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Board Name - Hall of trophies
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Date: Jul 27 10:07
From: os
Subject: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Ventured into the fire plane to explore (and get an icey breastplate
if I could). Fled from the Icy Paladin too late, into a lesser fire
elemental. This is what unfolded:
<-14hp 34m 23mv -149ac> A lesser fire elemental <quite a few>
You are far too injured to do anything.
<-10hp 38m 45mv -149ac> A lesser fire elemental <small wounds>
You are far too injured to do anything.
You hear a deafening roar echo up from the lower caverns.
<-10hp 38m 45mv -149ac> A lesser fire elemental <small wounds>
The Icy Paladin has arrived.
<-10hp 38m 45mv -149ac> A lesser fire elemental <small wounds>
<-10hp 38m 45mv -149ac> A lesser fire elemental <quite a few>
The Icy Paladin utters the words, 'dispel magic'
The Icy Paladin gestures towards A lesser fire elemental.
The magic holding A lesser fire elemental together weakens.
Your blood freezes as you hear A lesser fire elemental's death cry!
A lesser fire elemental is DEAD!
<-6hp 42m 67mv>
<-2hp 46m 89mv>
<2hp 50m 111mv>c w
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