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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Oct 19 19:56 (ruggodice) The Great Trog Massacre
Next Msg   - Oct 28 05:14 (tarrant) Unholy Conquest

Date:    Oct 24 08:39
From:    tarrant
Subject: reboot
Tumbling down the cliff
Oops, looks like you lost your footing there, but maybe it's not too late to
recover before you fall too far to get back up again. 
Clouds obscure the morning sun.

( 5)A squeaky little mouse scurries about underfoot.
SqueaK is surrounded with a dark black aura.
[Exits: up down ]

<849hp 680m 277mv -12ac>c wall d
You concentrate and conjure forth a huge wall of ice!

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>i
You are carrying:
a belt covered with razors (evil)
a silver tipped harpoon
amethyst plate leggings (glowing)
The Torc of the Gods
Crown of Creation (evil) (glowing)
a gold-threaded crimson robe
the Ring of Championing
Shroud of Infinity
Tensor's floating disk
Tarrant's pocket dimension

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>drop belt
You drop a belt covered with razors.     

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>sac belt

[doom] Prism: NEVER!

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>Your god appreciates your sacrifice.     

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>drop silver
You drop a silver tipped harpoon.     

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>sac silver
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>       
[doom] Fia: for you solo? never          

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>drop leggings
You drop amethyst plate leggings.

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>sac leggings
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.

<849hp 565m 277mv -12ac>            
[doom] Solo: :(            

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>drop shroud
You drop Shroud of Infinity.    

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>sac shroud
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.
[doom] Fia: if we are lucky in two weeks???

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>drop ring
You drop the Ring of Championing.    

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>sac ring
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>drop torc
You drop The Torc of the Gods.    

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>sac torc
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.  

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>drop crown
You drop Crown of Creation.

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>sac crown
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>drop robe
You drop a gold-threaded crimson robe.     

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>sac robe
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.     

<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>get all disc
You get twilight platemail leggings from Tensor's floating disk.
You get a platinum threaded gown from Tensor's floating disk.


<849hp 596m 292mv -12ac>drop leggings
You drop twilight platemail leggings.      

<849hp 627m 307mv -12ac>sac leggings
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.     

<849hp 627m 307mv -12ac>drop gown
You drop a platinum threaded gown.

<849hp 627m 307mv -12ac>sac gown
Your god appreciates your sacrifice.

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This page has been referenced 35 times since last boot.

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