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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2014 Feb  7 17:44 (athlon) they can't stand against me
Next Msg   - 2014 Feb 11 09:35 (wily) JACKPOT!

Date:    2014 Feb  8 23:39
From:    almaric
You are forced to defend yourself against A thirsty dwarf!
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
+965747 xp!
(notify) Werner landed a heinous backstab on A thirsty dwarf for 5226 damage,
 freak 8!
You place a set of demon horns in the back of A thirsty dwarf, mortally
 wounding him.
Your blood freezes as you hear A thirsty dwarf's death cry!
A thirsty dwarf is DEAD!
You are too high level, but still receive 301 experience.
[xp] Rhorae: but he just wanted some beer!
[xp] Werner: yep - he wanted my beer - my german blood couldnt agree with that 

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