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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - Nov 24 10:04 (rellik) Stabbed in the Face.
Next Msg   - Jan  9 15:00 (talon) yee haa

Date:    Dec  5 00:13
From:    greyfox
Subject: A deed worthy of note.
On Saturday the 4th day of Pensar, the lone figure of the High Priest of
Talos stood before the Great Red Wyrm. The ancient beast had been stripped of
all  auras and protections save for it's inherent and inseperable magiks that
warded against those of evil alignments. As a short and deadly struggle
commenced, the cavern of the Great Wyrm was transformed into a frozen hell.
Divinely inspired cold and frost poured out of the High Priest's fingertips
saturating the room with such elemental force the the very air froze a nd
crystalized into jagged lances and spears of ice. The mighty Lux countered
with all the rage and fury in it's hell born soul.  Infernos sprang up to
immoliate the challenger and the lone figure was engulfed, transformed into a
blazing torch. When the flames died down half of an hourglass later the
legendary dragon lay slain, it's corpse pierced by thousands of spears and
it's lifeblood silently pooling and freezing around it. Therefore, let the
newbies be warned and take heed, for not even the holiest of wards will spare
your mortal soul should the Talons of The Destroyer come to claim their due. 

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