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Board Name - Hall of trophies
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Date: Mar 16 14:16
From: gisco
Subject: The Royal Family of Trinsic
On this day, Friday, the 13th day of month of Valindar in the year 467 of
the reign of Dentin, did I, Gisco the Necromancer, witness a domestic dispute
of some import to the elven peoples.... The great king of the elves, Alderic,
discovered me asleep in the bath chamber with his wife, Queen Lyreah.
Misunderstanding my intentions and being greatly confused, he began to beat
wife in a fit of rage. To my great entertainment and amusement as well I
dispelled all of the King's defensive armors and cast all manner of horrible
curses upon him. The battle raged between husband and wife for nearly an
hour, and, much to my suprise, I witnessed thus:
Queen Lyreah of Thalenwood *** DEVASTATES *** King Alderic of Thalenwood!
King Alderic of Thalenwood is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
I immediately pounced upon the prone Queen and slipped my faithful black
blade in her back, mortally wounding her. I looted the corpses and left the
elven palace in utter amazement of what I had witnessed.
-Gisco the Necromancer
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