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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2014 Jan 10 15:55 (storm) Freak 32
Next Msg   - 2014 Jan 18 13:07 (almaric) freak turned off

Date:    2014 Jan 18 07:22
To:      all
From:    shryth
Subject: Wish I had offered more gold...
You use 1320 of your reserved gambling gold...
You offer 1320 gold to the gods...
Two spinning wheels appear in the air before you!
The first wheel stops at weapons!
The second wheel stops at vandar!
You must take weapons to the kingdom of Vandar!
Three more spinning wheels appear in the air before you!
The first wheel comes to a stop...
You cleave your way through a thick jungle...
The second wheel comes to a stop...
You travel through endless desert...
The third wheel comes to a stop...
You travel through endless desert...
You made it with your cargo!
A final spinning wheel appears in the air before you!
The final wheel comes to a stop...
The townspeople tell you: There is war afoot in the region!
There is high demand for: weapons
Your cargo is mostly:     weapons
Your cargo is badly needed and worth a premium!
You make a 500% profit on your investment!
You receive 7920 gold coins!

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