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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2011 Oct 25 19:11 (narathac) king of vandar
Next Msg   - 2011 Nov 18 23:53 (putz) pk conquest from the king

Date:    2011 Oct 26 06:40
To:      all
From:    guillermo
Subject: Korrok's Destruction
   On this day, Wednesday, the 27th day of month Neven in the year 556 of
the reign of Dentin, I Guillermo, known for slaying garbage cans and
enjoying going into portals, set to destroy the demon known as Korrok.    
Waiting until nightfall, I went into the rift that the poor demon was
trapped in and found him hiding tn the darkness.  I planned to bring a
group, but no one was on that wasn't busy.  But being a necromancer, I
summoned up fiends to be the tanks as I I began pounding away with cones
and nox.   Many tactical retreats were made, and the demon constantly made
fun of me every 12 seconds or so.  But after the while, the vile creature
began begging for mercy as his threats and powers were on death ears (and
extremely burned and intoxicated skin).  As the demon Kneeled, i wanted to
bring a present to the druids and soulstole the creature.      Wasn't
expecting to succeed in this adventure, but whatever, a win solo is a win.

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