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Board Name - Hall of trophies

Prev Msg   - 2014 Aug 29 21:42 (martin) shtabby
Next Msg   - 2014 Sep 16 13:40 (almaric) tank pwning big time

Date:    2014 Sep  2 18:36
From:    rhorae
Subject: Feast or famine
You slip from the shadows.
You yell, KAO-KEN TIMES TWO! and spring onto your opponent!
You gain 10742820 experience!
(notify) Rhorae landed a brutal backstab on The king cobra for 22086 damage, freak
You place light from the netherworld in the back of The king cobra, mortally wounding
Your blood freezes as you hear The king cobra's death cry!
The king cobra is DEAD!
You receive 176684 experience.
(on ground) the corpse of The king cobra contains:
a set of poisonous fangs
You have completed the achievement:  Got a freak 16 backstab
You gain 1128600 experience!

Less than 10 minutes later...

You slip from the shadows.
You yell, KAO-KEN TIMES TWO! and spring onto your opponent!
You gain 2257792 experience!
(notify) Rhorae landed a brutal backstab on The troll witchdoctor for 22936 damage,
freak 16!
You place light from the netherworld in the back of The troll witchdoctor, mortally
wounding it.
Your blood freezes as you hear The troll witchdoctor's death cry!
The troll witchdoctor is DEAD!
You receive 264000 experience.

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