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Board Name - Hall of trophies

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Date:    Oct 18 15:32
From:    darklord
Subject: the story of titanium
In the beginning, there was Dentin.  And Dentin saw fit to maketh a MUD.
The gods confered amongst themselves and did maketh a MUD.  And behold, the
MUD flourished and did grow.
There was one amongst the gods, even Dancer, that did say, 'whosoever is
able to reach my area, let them have titanium'.  And thus, the titanium mines
came to be.
And Dentin went out amongst the stone giants and beheld the mines.  And
titanium gained favor in Dentin's eyes, and waxed strong against the mobs.
Mortals from far and wide journied to the titanium mines to behold its glory.
And these mortals did acquireth titanium, and, yea, there was peace and
happiness in all the MUD.
The mortals sought counsel amongst themselves, did maketh storage characters
to carry their burdensome titanium.  The mortals did say, 'if we storeth
titanium in excess numbers, we might sell them to foolish newbies for much
gold, yea, even more gold than it is worth.'
And Dentin perceived their thoughts, and he did sayeth unto himself, 'I will
maketh the titanium less appealing to the mortals and forceth them to look
elsewhere for eq.'  And Dentin did dent the titanium, for that is what the
Dentins doeth.  And Dentin's plan saw fruitation, and all things pleased
Dentin once again.
Then came the Ranko.
The Ranko journied to the titanium mines and beheld titanium.  And, like unto
Dentin, the titanium gained favor in her eyes.  And thus the Ranko did maketh
many multis with which she could offload titanium and dupe it unceasingly.
Yea, her duped titanium were numbered two hundred three score and four.
Verily, Dentin beheld the Ranko and her doings, insomuch that Dentin did
taketh the Ranko's duped titanium and cast it into the bottomless pit, from
which no object nor mob returns.  And Dentin was wroth, and his anger was
kindled against her, and he did freezeth the Ranko and her multis for a space
of many days.
And it came to pass, Dentin did sayeth to himself, 'yea, I have made the
titanium good...too good'.  Thus, Dentin did dent the titanium with a mighty
denting, making it less covering of the body and more tiresome to the arm.
Verily, this is the epic tale of titanium and how it came to be.  Let all
newbies remember its story and fear the Dentin.
-Darklord, cursed of the gods

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